KX News from the field: “Alien Fetish Stone” discovery in the Philippines
First, I want to say welcome to all our new members and thank you for subscribing to KX.
We are glad to see you here and happy to have this opportunity to open a door to truth for all of you. No bias and no bull. Just the real deal as it comes. This site is primarily for disclosure of my personal finds and archive, but the blog will contain new and pivotal discoveries made by our associates in the field from around the world as well. Most will be seen first or only here as we are personally involved or in communication with most, receiving and disclosing this directly to you.
This was just sent to me from an associate researcher Aying Toromata in the Philippines. This “alien head” fetish was recovered during a dig under this coded monument. The monument appearing as a turtles head and neck. Encoded with linear features carved into the stone. The most obvious being the “sword” shape pointing down. This pointed down to the buried “alien head” stone recovered during excavation. The sword symbol used in this manner relates to both location and “death” from above… Or “death trap”.
The dig is ongoing….
We operate totally out of pocket and always welcome contributions to further this effort for all of us.
Robert Kryder

Alien Head fetish stone found beneath encoded Turtle Head monument. © KRYDER EXPLORATION 02/06/2018

Encoded Turtle Head monument © KRYDER EXPLORATION 02/06/2018